New features and updates to the Lyssn platform
January2025v1.0 - Targeting 01.16.2025
Trainings: Advanced Child Welfare 3 is now available.
QI Reports: Our QI report offering has expanded to include a MICA report. This report is turned off by default, but can be turned on by reaching out to your Lyssn customer success contact.
Technical Administrator Role: We have introduced a new view on the platform that is geared specifically toward select technical administrators for a program. This view will be expanded throughout the year. At this time technical administrators will have control over common program settings that have previously only been modified upon request. This includes platform language, QI report, and data visualization settings.
Trainings: All audio in our training modules now include accessible transcripts.
QI Data Downloads: Some metrics were absent from QI data downloads due to a change in how metrics are being queried. These metrics have been added back into the downloads. If you notice any continuing absences in the download, please let us know.
November2024v1.0 - Released on 11.18.24
Trainings: We have added expert responses to Advanced Child Welfare I and II! CBTp now has a data download in the admin training dashboard.
Behind the Scenes: A substantial project was implemented to help with periodic caching issues for some users. This project spanned both QI and Training platforms. There's also a lot of work behind the scenes to give programs information about time spent in training so that certificates and CEUs can be accurately awarded!
QI Session Upload Dialogue: Users will notice a change in the visual aspect of the session upload. We have updated the date and time pickers components and brought them into the style and design used in the rest of the platform.
QI Session Playback: A rare error that blocked session view rendering for audio only files was resolved.
Data Download Date Filters: Some users where running into instances where the data download on the QI platform did *not* cover the entirety of the date span selected. This has been corrected.
Crisis Report - Active Listening: There was a misspelling in a reference to the Active Listening percentage shown in the crisis report. This is has been corrected and the displayed Active Listening bar no longer defaults to an empty value.
October2024v1.0 - Released on 10.09.2024
Trainings: CBT Fundamentals and DBT have been added to the training offerings with AI Feedback.
Trainings: We have done a lot of under-the-hood work in our trainings for this release. The work should allow trainings to update quickly during future releases. Expert responses continue to be added to trainings as well. This release includes expert responses for our current Advanced Child Welfare offerings.
User Management: A bug which prevented a small number of users from being able to change their first or last name has been resolved. There have been several other minor related fixes.
September2024v1.0 - Released on 09.12.2024
Data Visualization: We have added a favorites feature to data visualization metrics so that a user can star metrics they would like to revisit on a regular basis. Users can access their favorited metrics through the new "starred" tab in the metrics drop-down.
Advanced Child Welfare Booster 2: A new booster for our Advance Child Welfare training is available. Please contact your Lyssn liaison for more information if you are interested.
QI Data Download Button: Administrators will notice a change in the appearance of the download button right above the data visualization chart. The download functionality has been re-written to accommodate downloads for larger enterprises. Admin can also now choose a timeframe for which to execute the download.
MI Report Labels: There were several labels at the bottom of the MI Report tab that had been hidden. This issue has been resolved.
Supervisor Training Dashboard: A calculation for users having utilized the platform was incorrect as it was being based on program statistics instead of supervisee statistics. This calculation has been corrected.
July 2024 - Released on 08.27.2024
Safari Recording Notification: There are several alerts throughout the platform if a user attempts to use Safari or other non-supported browsers. We have now made it impossible to reach the recording page on our QI product even if these notification are clicked through and closed by the user.
Username Editing by Program Administrators: Admin can now edit their user's usernames in the platform. This feature must be requested before it can be turned on for your program. Reach out to you Lyssn liaison or
Landing Page: The landing page has been moderately redesigned. The new design allows users to more quickly select the desired entry point into the platform. It also offers cleaner delineations between programs for user who are part of multiple programs. Training cards have been redesigned to include images of the instructors, which helps with quick identification as well.
Tooltips: Across the platform we have transition from the older dark themed tooltips to a more modern light theme. The changes have also dramatically improved accessibility of each tooltip.
Double-Click Recording Bug: A bug was identified in which recordings on the training platform had a possibility of recording loss if the recording button was clicked multiple times in very quick succession. This bug was resolved.
May 2024 - Released on 06.11.2024
Data Visualization Recents List: Your most recent data visualization metric choices will be saved for reference or repeat renders. You'll see the "Recents" addition to the drop-down list for selecting metrics.
Peer Group Sharing Modal: The modal which pops-up when selecting or de-selecting peer groups for conversation sharing now utilizes check-boxes. Accessibility has been improved as well.
April 2024 (v1.5) - Released on 04.29.2024
Training Data Downloads: Data downloads have been enabled for trainings. The download can be turned on by request, and can be accessed in the top right corner of the training dashboard in admin view. Data for the currently displayed training will be downloaded in `.csv` format.
Spanish Pipeline: Our language processing pipeline can handle both Spanish and English, or a combination of the two. That being said, primarily Spanish sessions may have reduced metric availability as we continue to build out a robust Spanish language analysis. If a session is marked as being greater than 25% Spanish, you'll see a notification on the top of the page.
Data Visualization: Small styling tweaks in our data visualization chart were made.
AI Feedback in Trainings: Several of our trainings already have AI feedback. As newer trainings come out we'll be releasing them in two phases: phase one includes all training content, vignettes, and recording; phase two will incorporate AI feedback. Notifications have been added to the training platform so you should always know which phase of a training we are in!
Batch Delete Scrolling: There was an instance of a `.csv` upload of users to delete causing the modal to overflow and the buttons were not accessible for the next step. This has been resolved.
April 2024 - Released on 04.08.2024
Data Visualization: Some metrics were not returning data due to an malformed request. This has been fixed.
Mixed SSO Programs: An issue with sign-in functionality for administrators of SSO and Mixed-SSO programs was resolved.
March 2024 - Released on 03.27.2024
Advanced Data Visualization Filtering: Data visualization users now have the fine-tuned control over date ranges for metrics shown. We've also greatly expanded access to metrics that are not currently in specialized reports (MI, CBT, CRISIS, etc.). Lastly, we've included filtering metrics by session tags.
Programs with Mixed SSO: In rare cases, a program may want to use both standard and SSO logins. We've expanded batch creation of users to allow for either standard or SSO uploads.
Programs with CustomerIDs: Programs that utilize the CustomerID feature now have the ability to included IDs in batch user creation.
In-Person Recording Pause Capability: In-person recordings move into a paused state when the stop record or back buttons are clicked. We've added language that clarifies the session is paused and can either be ended or resumed.
SSO Account Editing: There was a field rendering in the Edit Account modal for some SSO users that did not apply to the use case. This has been fixed.
FEBRUARY 2024 - Released on 02.22.2024
Multicultural Orientation Training (MCO): Our training platform has been expanded through the addition of our Multicultural Orientation Training, which includes 5 modules with 5 client vignettes per module. The training is led by Dr. Jesse Owens, Dr. Shaakira Haywood Stewart, and Dr. Karen Tao.
Data Visualization: We've got a filtering update on the way for our data visualization chart! In anticipation, you'll notice a couple style-driven driven changes to the chart itself as part of this current release. We have also made data visualization access independant between therapist/supervisors and admins.
Advanced Child Welfare Training: An incorrect link in module 4 was reconciled.
JANUARY 2024 (v1.5) - Released on 01.09.2024
Training Dashboard: Advanced Child Welfare is now represented on the training dashboard training selector at the top of the page.
Crisis Tab in Reports: The bar for 'facilitate' was removed from the report. The report, as a whole, can now also be hidden by a program (just as CBT, MI, and all reports could be hidden prior to this release).
Customer ID Field Editing: Another patch was put in place for CustomerID editing.
Training Platform: There was a bug encountered during use of the breadcrumb navigation that prevented updates to completion metrics on the landing page. This bug has been resolved.
Training Platform: If a previous recording was unsuccessful in processing, the user will now see a notice at replay instead of just at the time of recording.
Add User Modal: A scenario where the 'Done' button in the add user modal appears to be disabled but is not disabled has been resolved.
JANUARY 2024 - Released on 01.09.2024
Advanced Child Welfare MI Modules: Our MI Training has been expanded through the addition of 4 more client vignettes for each module. The new expansion is focused on practicing MI in the context of Advanced Child Welfare.
Crisis Tab in Reports: A new report tab is available for use! Our current tabs of General, MI, and CBT specific metrics now has a a Crisis tab as well. The Crisis tab includes components of good contact (things like active listening and empathy), standard suicide risk assessment, client statements about suicide risk, and other key elements including discussion of alcohol and other drug use.
Styling Changes: Users will continue to notice small style updates. This release features the beginning of a transition from bolder orang info icons to a more minimal outline design. Tooltips will also be transitioning from black to white, with several under-the-hood improvements for our keyboard and non-mouse users.
Data Visualization Options: MI Collaboration was included in the report view, but not in the metrics drop-down option for our Data Visualization. It is has no been added to the drop-down.
Customer ID Field Editing: The custom 'Customer ID' field that is available to some programs was not displaying under certain conditions for users with dual roles. This has been fixed. Programs can now also require that a customer ID be entered for new users.
NOTE: Customer IDs are not yet supported in batch functionality.
Session Note Feature: There was a user experience pathway in which the notes tool would not allow itself to be opened in the session view. This pathway was identified and the issue has been resolved.
DECEMBER 2023 - Released on 12.17.2023
Improved User Training Completion Feedback: We have included new visual cues in the training platform to communicate to the user if they have recorded a response that meets the definitions of the module. Vignettes are now either marker as not watched, watched, attempted, or completed.
Media Playback in Training Platform: We have improved the user experience of our media player in the training platform. Users can now smooth scroll the media scrubber. Seeking of media can occur whether the media is playing or not. The player can also be manipulated through keyboard usage, making it more accessible.
Partial Recording Bug (aka Sleepiness Bug): Some users reported instances of in-person recordings only being partially captured. The underlying issue was determined to be if a user's computer either sleeps or (more commonly) enters into lock-screen during the session. We have added some reinforcements in our recording code that check for this at time of occurrence and make sure to recover whatever the user's computer and web browser will give us from when the sleepiness and/or lock screen was active.
To avoid any issues, it is recommended that a user disable sleep/lock features for the duration of the recording.
NOTE: We can only guarantee video recording if the computer is awake and unlocked.
OCTOBER 2023 - HotFix Released on 12.11.2023
Training Dashboard Recording Ability: Recording for some vignettes was disabled based on the most recent recording being prior to a program's desired expiry policy. A hotfix has been dropped in that alerts a user that their most recent recording is unavailable (per their program's expiry policy) , but will allow new recordings to be completed.
OCTOBER 2023 - Released on 11.25.2023
Training Analytics Dashboard for Admins and Supervisors: We have released a new analytics dashboard which gives admins and supervisors access to program and individual training progress. Programs need to request access to the training dashboard from Lyssn, at which point it will be accessible through the initial landing page at login.
AUGUST 2023 - Released on 10.25.2023
Adaptive Video Frame Rate Selection: when a recording is initiated, our recorder will request lower frame rates over connections with lower upload speeds.
Offensive Language Blurring: language that matches to a 3rd party offensive language listing will be blurred by default in session transcripts. Words can be un-blurred by the reviewer if so desired.
User Management: program administrators now have an option to delete users from the platform in batches. Batch deletion can be done through uploaded a .csv file, or by selecting multiple users from a list.
Data visualization parameters: users can now filter the data visualization chart by MI Proficiency in the metric drop-down.
Transcript Search: the transcript search functionality has been updated to allow for multi-word matching.
CBTp Training: a kind little rogue HTML element that simply displayed "Hello!" has been removed from the resource list.
JUNE 2023 - Released on 7.02.2023
Internal: users may not notice any new features, but this month we added a lot of internal tools to help us help you!
MI Training: users can now listen to expert responses for each vignette in the training. Expert responses become available once a trainee has attempted the vignette.
Peer Group Lists: new and unread session/message alerts are now being displayed in the peer group lists, just as they are for individual and supervisee lists. Session counts have also been added.
April 2023 - Released on 4.23.2023
User Management: administrators can now assign and un-assign user relationship through a batch assign list instead of having to click into each individual user!
Temporary Login Flow: a new flow has been put in place for temporary login (password reset). The user will receive an email with a link. Once clicked on, the link will direct the user to the appropriate page and ask for confirmation they are ready to log-in. This is to prevent email providers from automatically previewing, thus invalidating, the single-use link.
MI Training: feedback utterance labels are now "rolled-up." This means that if there are multiple codes that repeat in succession, they will only be displayed one time.
User Management: in some instances the first and/or last names of new users where being treated as fully lower-case. Case is now respected as it is entered.
Session Tagging: every so ofter the session tag component would render on the screen more than one time. Now it only renders one time as expected
Transcript Download Formatting: we heard from you regarding the unformatted transcript downloads. Downloads should now include punctuation, spacing, and caseing. Filenames for the downloads also now use a unique identifier for the session in the filename.
Recording: additional internal logging has been added to the recording code.
Style: users will notice various styling tweaks and updates across the Lyssn platforms!
March 2023 - Released on 3.19.2023
Session Tagging: we heard you! Users can now tag sessions with tags approved by their program! If new tags are needed, please reach out to your program administrator.
Data Visualization: some administrators were experience long load times or a page-hang during the rendering of our data visualization chart. This is now resolved.
Peer Group Assignments: a bug was preventing peer group assignments from being available for a small number of users.
General User Interface (UI): an auto-scrolling function was removed. There were also times when the 'Report' button would show as active before a session was fully processed, leading to a blank report.
Administrator Session View: we have fixed a bug that restricted administrators from replying on comment threads in the session view.
February 2023 (1.1 Patch) - Released on 2.27.2023
Data Visualization: we resolved instances where the data visualization chart was not resizing correctly in some scenarios. We also fixed a parsing issue that prevented some special characters from appearing as expected.
Administrator Training Tab: some programs who were using the training platform were not able to access an active data download button in the administrator platform. This has been corrected.
Administrator Landing Page: all programs will now load the therapist list on sign-in, instead of defaulting to the client list.
February 2023 - Released on 2.12.2023
User Management: fields for phone and email have been added to user creation and editing boxes.
MI Assessment: our new MI Assessment platform is live! Users can watch vignettes from four different clients in each of the five modules, then record their responses for review.
Session Upload File Types: we have added support for .wma file types in the file upload option.
Data Visualization: we been working on this one for a while, and now it's ready for our users! The data visualization chart has been super-charged under the hood to make data available as quickly as possible. You'll also notice bubbles are either filled in or left empty. Filled in bubble represent "active" sessions; these are session that are not yet expired in accordance with your program data retention option. Empty bubbles have expired so you cannot click into them, but you can still see their data in the chart!
Report View: rating scale language in the CBT Tab of the report view has been updated.
User Management: administrators will now see a Single Sign-On (SSO) indicator next to therapists/supervisors/admin who have *not* yet activated their account via SSO.
Administrator Training Tab: the training tab will only be present in the admin view if a program is using MI training and has requested data download capability.
Supervisee Session Sorting: a previous update change the way supervisees and their sessions were ordered on the page. We have reverted the sorting back to a previous state so that supervisor will see newer sessions on top. Thanks for reaching out and letting us know that was helpful for you!
Supervisee Session Drawers: a bug was causes supervisee drawers to collapse when clicked in certain spots.
Notes: we've added some refinements in the way the notes tool works.